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For all of your tenants.

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Pyro-E’s AMPS Cloud portal was architected at every layer to be flexible and configurable, allowing for our solutions to adapt to each of our utility partner’s needs. Whether your utility is focused on bill/cost awareness, utility program adoption, water conservation or AMI data presentment, the AMPS Cloud portal can be configured with content that is in direct alignment with your water management priorities.


AMPS Valv and Cloud portal equip customers with personalized content that enables them to better understand their utility bill and changes to their costs (My Bills), transparency into their consumption (My Usage), and tools/information to reduce their overall costs (My Savings).



  • Have the ability to configure your solution to meet LEED certification goals (+9 points).

  • Proactively notify customers about leak detection. • Improve customer satisfaction by providing your customers with transparency into their costs and consumption.

  • Personalize your customers’ online experiences through our direct messaging and Insights engine.


  • My Bills – Enables users with the tools to self serve and answer their billing-related questions themselves.

  • My Usage – Provides users with complete transparency into consumption through dynamic charts, graphs, and visualization.

  • My Savings – Equips users with tools such as an online audit, recommendations library (Ways to Save), the ability to set goals; create an action plan to save on their utility costs. Available for residential to small/medium businesses.

  • Load Disaggregation – Inform your customers about their home’s consumption to help them identify Ways to Save on their costs or promote utility programs.

  • Alerts – Delivers actionable text messages or e-mail alerts to help customers control their costs.

  • Cloud Tools – Provides customer service representatives with a “360° view” of customers and the exact same user experience to enable them to efficiently and effectively serve your customers.

  • Content Management System – Configure the AMPS Cloud portal for promotions, messaging and cost savings recommendations to match your goals.

  • API-widget design – Offers flexibility to configure the AMPS Cloud portal and also enables building management and utilities to integrate our widgets/content into their portals. 


Tara B.


Executive Director

Community Corp 

of Santa Monica

Over two-thirds of CA population lives in multi-family housing and half of which represent low-income communities. A smart metering technology that reduces water bills will improve the livelihood of those in economic need. 





An essential enabling technology for sensors, including flow metering, leak detection, and water quality sensor is energy harvesting that can be applied to plumbed appliances and fixtures that typically are not electrically power. 

Glen T. 


Director of Engineering

Zurn Industries

Pyro-E's pressure-to-power technology for potable water [whose] potential benefits ... include using the technology to harvest energy to provide power for sensing and monitoring multi-family housing and commercial water systems.

© 2023, Pyro-E Inc. | All Rights Reserved.

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